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Monday, May 30, 2011

Virus Cabir on the mobile phone

Cabir virus is one of the popular and infecting virus type handset with the Symbian operating system. The virus is spread through Bluetooth connections between mobile phones. So far the virus does not cause damage to the hardware phone, according to information the author calls this virus as an example that shows mobile phones are vulnerable to virus infection.
The characteristics of the mobile phone that is infected with this virus become quickly exhausted Battery (the virus is trying to find the target via bluetooth so that spending resources battere cell)
In carrying out the action, Carbir virus requires the execution orders of the recipients. On the phone screen will display text messages Caribe, which if exercised would make the virus directly into the operating system and deployment process was ongoing. The workings of the Caribe similar to computer viruses, first performed transmission caribe.sis file that contains the worm. This file will execute the file, identification systems and data files caribe.rsc flo.mdl. Sis file automatically contains autostart settings that will automatically run shortly after sis file installed. Second, after executed later will proliferate into three worm infects files in three different locations in a mobile operating system. From here the virus scans the cell phone will work other located at a distance of approximately 30 meters range. Caribe virus did not stop running, while doing the scanning, the virus will reconstruct files caribe.sis from worm component which are on file So that process was held in a continuous infection. Caribe Attendance has made mobile phones and antivirus companies become more cautious again. Graham Cluley from anti-virus company Sophos Plc states, although this time Caribe does not indicate potential harm. But the show was time created a new anti-virus technology also extends to mobile phones. Facing Caribe, immediately issued a technology company Symbian antidotes. In a web suggest, owners of infected phones Caribe to bring to the authorized service provider if difficulty eliminate this virus. The steps that can be used to eliminate the Caribe virus from the cell phone is to install a file manager program into the phone. Then open the file system directory and delete the following files:


Ó: \ system \ apps \ Caribe \ Ó: \ system \ apps \ Caribe \ flo.mdlÓ: \ system \ apps \ Caribe \ caribe.rsc


turn off phone and turn it back on the Caribe virus will disappear from your mobile phone. If you want more easily download the application cabirfix or Cabir remover and install the Cabir-infected phone.


Virus PBStealer

PBStealer including one mobile phone virus created by the people of Indonesia. PBStealer have aliases SymbiOS / PBStealer (Symantec), is a Trojan that resembles an application to collect the contact listed in your phonebook and then will save them as text files (*. txt). At first glance it is not dangerous.

But the steps taken by the next PBStealer actually makes you have to be wary. PBStealer will then send the txt file to another phone via Bluetooth connection. PBStealer has experienced many new variants of which are PBStealer D, one of the variants PBStealer can also copy and send the file containing the contacts, to do lists, databases and notepad. PBStealer D spread itself by sending 2 files with extension SIS application that is ChattingYuk.SIS and PBCompressor.

via Bluetooth connection. be careful in using the existing Bluetooth hp, before going to check it first if the Bluetooth connection has been shut down yet ................

cara kerja komponen-komponen Anti Virus

Pertama kita harus mengerti bagaimana cara kerja sebuah AV sederhana, pada dasarnya sebuah software AV mempunyai komponen-komponen :
1. Engine scanner, ini merupakan komponen utama AV dalam mengenali sebuah pattern virus. Engine ini dapat dikelompokkan menjadi statis dan dinamis. Statis dalam hal ini dapat disebut menjadi spesifik terhadap pattern tertentu dari sebuah file virus. Checksum merupakan salah satu contoh dari engine statis ini. Dinamis dalam artian dia mengenali perilaku 'umum' sebuah virus. Heuristic menjadi salah satu contohnya.
2. Database definition, menjadi sebuah referensi dari sebuah pattern file virus. Engine statis sangat bergantung kepada komponen ini.
3. Decompress atau unpacking engine, khusus untuk pengecekan file-file yang terkompresi (*.rar, *.zip, dll) atau kompresi atau packing untuk file PE seperti UPX, MeW , dll.
Tidak jarang hasil dari pengecekan terhadap file suspect virus menghasilkan false-positive bahkan false-negative (– false-positive berarti file yang bersih dianggap thread oleh AV, dan false-negative berarti file yang 100% thread akan dianggap bersih). Semua itu dapat diakibatkan oleh ketidak-sempurnaan dari engine scanner itu sendiri.

Cara pengoptimalan anti virus lokal ( PCMAV )

PC Media Antivirus adalah salah satu antivirus buatan lokal yang sangat bagus.PCMAV mempunyai 5 fitur bagus yang tidak bisa langsung digunakan saat pertama kali menggunakan PCMAV. Untuk pengoptimalan anti virus ini kita terlebih dahulu melihat 5 fitur bagus yang dimiliki PCMAV.

di bawah ini adalah 5 Fitur tersebut, yaitu:

/REGSHELL => Untuk menampilkan pilihan "Scan with PCMAV" pada saat klik kanan file yang akan di-scan.
/UNREGSHELL => Untuk menghapus pilihan "Scan with PCMAV".
/REGCLEAN => Mencoba mengembalikan registry dan setting "Tools Folder Options" ke kondisi default.
/NOMEM => Tidak perlu scan memory.
/NOSTARTUP => Tidak perlu melakukan scan pada saat startup PCMAV.
/NOUPDATE => Tidak perlu melakukan cek update.
/FORCE => Mengizinkan PCMAV untuk memaksa membersihkan file yang terinfeksi.

Tapi,gimana cara kita menggunakannya???.
hehehehe....................Tenang saja untuk menggunakannya cukup mudah.

pertama kita tinggal masuk ke menu Run.

Setelah itu arahkan ke PCMAV-CLN berada.Lalu klik Open.Maka dalam kotak Run akan ada path di mana folder PCMAV-CLN berada.Nah dibelakang path tsb anda tambahkan parameter-parameter di atas.

Contohnya penulisannya seperti ini.

"C:\Documents and Settings\Q-Net-10\My Documents\\PCMAV-CLN.exe" /REGSHELL /FORCE


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